Social media and patient communication: indispensable for the patient-centricity of pharmaceutical companies 

In today's digital era, social media such as Facebook or Instagram play a central role in communication between those affected. These platforms not only offer direct interaction, but are also a way to spread important health information and promote disease awareness. This direct communication option not only improves understanding of their diseases, it also serves as a platform for feedback and support. This can significantly increase patient satisfaction, which in turn strengthens trust in the company. However, the pharmacovigilance monitoring required for this often becomes an obstacle to implementation. We have a solution!  

Trend analysis through social networks

Integrating social media into the marketing strategy allows pharmaceutical companies to establish themselves as leading players in the healthcare sector. These online platforms allow them to indirectly engage with patients and also healthcare professionals, which can improve overall information dissemination and patient support. 

By continuously monitoring social networks, valuable insights into the preferences and needs of patients can be gained. This data enables pharmaceutical companies to identify trends and adapt their communication strategies accordingly. Whether it is about educating people about the disease, providing support or assistance, structured social media management can help to identify relevant topics that interest the target group. patient currently moving. 

Community Management – targeted moderation 

Effective community management is crucial to building and maintaining a positive online presence. A trained community manager plays a central role here by not only monitoring communication but also actively moderating it. By setting moderation guidelines that are adapted to the specific needs and regulations of each pharmaceutical company, they ensure that interactions within the community are professional and in line with all legal requirements. 

Regular moderation ensures that inappropriate or misleading content such as spam or shitstorms are quickly identified and addressed, ensuring the integrity of the platform and patient trust. This is especially important in such a sensitive area as healthcare communication, where accuracy and reliability are paramount. 

Pharmacovigilance: An important aspect of social media strategy

With their potential for interaction, social media have also become a critical channel for pharmacovigilance, i.e. drug safety.  
Through ongoing communication between patients about the disease and therapy, potential safety concerns become an issue. Only by monitoring comments and posts can possible side effects be identified and appropriate measures taken.  
Transparent handling of safety concerns strengthens patient trust in pharmaceutical brands. When companies openly and proactively address concerns raised via social media, they not only ensure compliance with international pharmacovigilance regulations, but also lay the foundation for stronger patient engagement and trust. 

evalii® – the solution for efficient PV monitoring

By continuously monitoring and analyzing patient discussions and feedback on social media, evalii® can help to collect and document safety data efficiently and comprehensively – around the clock. 

Our specially trained team, consisting of specialists in medicine, pharmacy, veterinary sciences, biochemistry and other relevant fields, uses the evalii® system to quickly and economically validate the pre-processed data. If necessary, they immediately initiate the necessary steps to comply with pharmacovigilance reporting obligations. 

Benefits for marketing and pharmacovigilance 

For marketing teams, evalii® offers a cost-effective way to optimize patient support, identify trends and adapt communication campaigns. At the same time, the service supports pharmacovigilance teams in fulfilling legal obligations in a time-efficient manner and ensuring patient safety.  

evalii® enables marketing and PV teams to work hand in hand to develop an integrated strategy that both maximizes engagement and ensures patient safety. This synergy not only improves the efficiency of internal processes, but also ensures that every patient interaction contributes to expanding the comprehensive understanding of a drug's safety profile. 

Bottom line 

Social media and communication with patients are essential components of a patient-centered pharmaceutical company. These platforms not only offer the opportunity to deliver tailored health information and promote patient engagement, but also to ensure patient safety through effective monitoring. Pharmacovigilance should not be seen as an obstacle, but as a key advantage that enables faster and more precise responses to patient needs while meeting regulatory requirements. By strategically using tools such as evalii®, pharmaceutical companies can ensure that their social media strategies both strengthen patient engagement and optimize the monitoring and reporting of adverse reactions (pharmacovigilance-requiring events) to protect and promote patient well-being. 
